New member
5 XP
Hey All, is going to enter the WoTLK Seasonal Scene, check us out.
We are already an established server that has circumed to players reaching end-game and getting bored has now decided to enter the Seasonal scene.
Further information on our website about our server -
Ideally we are looking for staff/developers to expand our existing custom features, like Mythic+, Ring of Law & Warforging and our in-development perk system.
Along with someone that is good with dbc's / importing mounts and models from retail WoW.
A lot of this is already done but continous improvement and dedicated staff is what we are aiming for.
Message me on discord for further information. is going to enter the WoTLK Seasonal Scene, check us out.
We are already an established server that has circumed to players reaching end-game and getting bored has now decided to enter the Seasonal scene.
Further information on our website about our server -
Ideally we are looking for staff/developers to expand our existing custom features, like Mythic+, Ring of Law & Warforging and our in-development perk system.
Along with someone that is good with dbc's / importing mounts and models from retail WoW.
A lot of this is already done but continous improvement and dedicated staff is what we are aiming for.
Message me on discord for further information.