Time is money, Friend. Here will help ensure you lose neither.
By making a Deal Dispute on Emudevs, you acknowledge that the following are true:
You are the victim of the scam - proxy disputes will not be handled.​
A genuine deal has taken place, within which a user has scammed you (stolen money, accounts, has failed to complete a service, or similar). Disputes are not to be made for gambling of any sort (including unpaid coinflips/dice games).​
The dispute is not being made in jest - fake disputes/joke disputes will result in a temporary ban, with repeat offences being permanent.​
There is valid evidence of a scam taking place - word of mouth will not suffice.​
We will not tolerate falsified evidence, fake disputes, proxy-disputes, or similar. If you wish to check the validity of your dispute before posting, contact a Staff or Administrator.
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